Ayisha came to Cincinnati’s Randy to the Rescue because she feared her fashion forward entourage would steamroll her into choosing a trendy gown that she would regret. She wanted more of a classic princess look that was understated, but would not have her looking like a “plain Jane”. The wedding will be a simple and elegant church affair and the gown should also reflect this.
With an outspoken entourage of her mother, sister, aunt, and cousin, Ayisha was obviously going to have trouble having her voice heard. And when Ayisha said “yes” to a dress her family loved, I could tell part of her was doing this only to please them. So Ayisha and I excused ourselves from the family to “go to hair and makeup”. However, I had other plans. The real appointment was about to begin. I wanted Ayisha to be able to choose her wedding gown without having her family’s comments sway her opinion. I wanted Aiyisha have her moment the way that she wanted it.
In the end, Ayisha choose a beautiful mermaid gown by San Patrick that gave her the elegant feel she wanted and reflected the powerful and beautiful woman that she is. I was so moved on the aisle of style when Ayisha looked into the mirror and stated, “I can do this”. I knew this all along; however, it was nice to see her realize this.

Lesley gave Ayisha the smoky eyes she wanted and choose a soft pink for her lips. Paul added extensions and pulled the hair back into a simple classic up do.

I added a stunning Thomas Knoell hairpiece (Snow) and earrings (Gail) and a crystal edged Erin Cole veil to add sparkle and help frame Ayisha’s beautiful face.

This elegant and classic bouquet reflects the colors in Ayisha’s makeup and helps to complete her look “head to hem”.